
I’m a twenty-something girl in London, and when I was new to the dating game I started this blog.  I was curious about the social rules governing “the date” as a special form of human interaction.

I was looking for a manual, couldn’t find one, and as the nerd that I am, decided to chronicle my own findings.

This blog is about my progress in identifying the rules, about the mistakes I make, and generally about dates that make me think or laugh.


Yes, this blog is based on my real life, on real dates and real stories. However as my main purpose is to entertain and muse about dating in general the examples and stories (although drawn from reality) might be dramatised.

Take it with a grain of salt, people.

2 responses to “About

  1. Geitost

    Hehe ! Your posts are hilarious, and so much enlightening at the same time !
    The link to your blogg came from Norway, and I admit that the advertising was not misleading. If you ever happen to publish a book on this topic, I’d gladly purchase it : I know more than one fellow who deserves to receive it as a Christmas present (including myself, naturally) !
    Best regards from Paris.

  2. Lawrence Bullock

    Found your blog by accident. Good writing. From Mendocino, CA.

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